Reasoning about ACtions and Events over Streams (RACES) webpage
Argumentative Explanations in AI by
Francesca Toni (Imperial College London, UK)
Antonio Rago (Imperial College London, UK) webpage
Cognitive Logics – Formal and Cognitive Methods for Reasoning in an Uncertain and Dynamic World by
Gabriele Kern-Isberner (TU Dortmund, Germany)
Marco Ragni (Universität Freiburg, Germany) webpage
Dynamic Epistemic Logic and Epistemic Planning by
Andreas Herzig (IRIT, Toulouse, France) webpage
Practical Uses of Existential Rules in Knowledge Representation by
David Carral (TU Dresden, Germany)
Markus Krötzsch (TU Dresden, Germany)
Jacopo Urbani (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,The Netherlands) webpage
Workshops & Tutorials - Program outline
For the timetable, please refer to the Program Outline page.